Project ARMS Launches with Successful Kick-Off Meeting at Tampere University
On November 13-14, the journey of the project ARMS (Atomic layer-coated gRaphene electrode-based Micro-flexible and Structural supercapacitors) began with a kick-off meeting organised and held by the project’s coordinator - Tampere University. The event brought together eleven esteemed partner organisations from six countries, setting the stage for a collaborative initiative that spans the realms of academia and industry.
Representatives from Tampere University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, CIDETEC, InnoCell ApS, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, AIMEN Technology Centre, Beneq Oy, Chalmers University of Technology, and Lynxdrone converged to exchange ideas, share expertise, and lay the groundwork for eco-friendly supercapacitors.
Over two dynamic days, partners immersed themselves in the details of the project's diverse work packages, offering a comprehensive view of their organisational contributions. The kick-off meeting provided a unique platform for introductions, fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse skills and perspectives each partner brings to the table.
The discussions went beyond theoretical frameworks, delving into the practical aspects of collaboration. Partners engaged in fruitful dialogues, exploring the intricacies of cooperation and establishing a solid foundation for the shared journey ahead. The event's agenda facilitated not only the alignment of objectives but also the cultivation of a collaborative spirit essential for the success of the project ARMS.